Brands Valley

About the Practice

Inspired by the brilliant game “Monument Valley”, thought of playing around with some well-known brands acting as the main level shape. Practicing isometric drawing, finding solutions based on specific shapes and curves; figuring out ways to build a level with reasonable solutions.

Final Video
Design Proccess

I've used printed isometric grid to visualize the main concept first, then trying some different shapes and work-arounds in order to build a reasonable level with same colors of the brand.

Brands valley, amr zakaria, isometric

It was my first trial to start with; being easy and very compatiable with the concept. Brands valley, amr zakaria, isometric, facebook Brands valley, amr zakaria, isometric, facebook


Playing around with letter "i" and the "dot", making a smooth transition between facebook and linkedin logos, this was used very commonly in the game "Monument Valley". Brands valley, amr zakaria, isometric, linkedin Brands valley, amr zakaria, isometric, linkedin


This was the hardest of them all, too many curves, two big letters and it tooks me some few time to build a reasonable solution to it.

Brands valley, amr zakaria, isometric, behance Brands valley, amr zakaria, isometric, behance

The player icon of youtube; using the oscar triangle to build a smooth level with direct and easy solution.

Brands valley, amr zakaria, isometric, youtube Brands valley, amr zakaria, isometric, youtube
Old Trails

I’ve played around with some other brands, trying to figrue out ways to build a level, However it wasn’t satisfied enough to me, so here are two trials that’s not finished yet!

Brands valley, amr zakaria, isometric, gmail Brands valley, amr zakaria, isometric, google chrome
Old Youtube Version

This wasn’t so obvious as a Youtube Player icon. It has many tweaks that might make it not so clear.

Brands valley, amr zakaria, isometric, youtube

Brands Valley is a totally personal project that only made for practicing isometric/geometric drawing and animation, and as a representation of love to such a brillant game “Monument Valley” and its great team behind.

Nothing of this artwork has been/will be used commercially by any party.

Soundtrack used in video: Obfusc - Oceanic Glow

Check Project on: Behance